I expected the item to sit flat, It has a really bad warp or curve ! If i hold down one side, the other side sticks up about a half inch ! If gluing to a wall or door, it would need about 200 pounds of pressure against it to keep it flat while glue drying. not going to work ! How do i get the warp out? place it on a flat surface, pour boiling hot water on it , then place something heavy and flat on the top of it and wait till it cools and dries ! Not going to order from this seller again !
I expected the item to sit flat, It has a really bad warp or curve ! If i hold down one side, the other side sticks up about a half inch ! If gluing to a wall or door, it would need about 200 pounds of pressure against it to keep it flat while glue drying. not going to work ! How do i get the warp out? place it on a flat surface, pour boiling hot water on it , then place something heavy and flat on the top of it and wait till it cools and dries ! Not going to order from this seller again !