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What should I start with? It is USELESS. Radar detector: K-band just beeps all the time. It does not do signature checking so all signals in this range result in false alerts. I had to turn it off. Ka-band triggered once and for real. Cam is the only thing that it is good for. But because it does not have an internal battery it can not film when parked. GPS database has (almost) no cameras in Europe. I've tried it in Germany, Poland, Czeck, Hungary and Slovakia. Even in the countries that it is claimed to work (Poland/Hungary) - it did not. (I've updated the database from the website and turned GPS DB notifications on) And last but not least. It hangs. just shows a frozen screen and buttons do not work. You then have to wait 30 minutes for the internal battery to drain and the device reboots. Ну и по русски просто - хуета. не берите!