I received a second unit - this time shipping was almost a month. Unfortunately for me, this time the product was not the same as the first. While it functions the same, it was not to the same waterproof standard and the wiring was different. The physical construction at the back was not sealed as well as before. The product works as described but it should not have the same product code as the previous item as it is not the same. The seller can no longer supply the original product which means the time testing and getting the sample approved is wasted.
I received a second unit - this time shipping was almost a month. Unfortunately for me, this time the product was not the same as the first. While it functions the same, it was not to the same waterproof standard and the wiring was different. The physical construction at the back was not sealed as well as before. The product works as described but it should not have the same product code as the previous item as it is not the same. The seller can no longer supply the original product which means the time testing and getting the sample approved is wasted.