the product never arrived. the seller is an ignorant jerk and only responds once every day or three. many months later I am still trying to get a refund for a measly amount. pathetic. run. buy from anyone else
Seller is useless.. 5 months and never got the item. 19 days after second dispute finished still don't have a refund as the seller has not processed it. seller doesn't respond to messages. Don't buy from this thief. Hoping the reason is the CCP has made them disappear for making China look bad. Only online seller that has ever been this bad in my life. After buying thousands of items online this is very disappointing.
the product never arrived. the seller is an ignorant jerk and only responds once every day or three. many months later I am still trying to get a refund for a measly amount. pathetic. run. buy from anyone else
Seller is useless.. 5 months and never got the item. 19 days after second dispute finished still don't have a refund as the seller has not processed it. seller doesn't respond to messages. Don't buy from this thief. Hoping the reason is the CCP has made them disappear for making China look bad. Only online seller that has ever been this bad in my life. After buying thousands of items online this is very disappointing.