Product as in the description. Seller is recommended. The packing is genuine and has the booklet in the foam-based packaging cutout with the hub in a cosy fit. Device USB-C type port works, rest I have to check still. Received in a reasonable time, so the seller is recommended.
The material was shipped promptly, arrived too promptly. Nothing complaint about there. I actually bought it , HOPING, that with this device plugged into my Chuwi tablet I could do both. Charge it AND say play music from my OTG pen drive. No joy. Initially I thought the device was defective and planned on raising a dispute after testing other function. Then I plugged it into my Samsung Android 10 phone and it worked just right. Even 2 pen drives pugged into the two USB 3 ports showed and were easily accessible. So now it is confirmed the device is functional. Just not compatible with all the USB-C implementations. Haven't tested it for Ethernet or 3.5 mm audio output jack or the card readers but that can wait.