the product arrived on time and in good condition
Took about 30 days to arrive to Canada with Seller's chosen free shipping method. I was worried about that never arriving at first, but it was actually very reasonable. The packaging was a bit flimsy, a bit of plastic cushion wrap and the tiny bottles in individual ziplock baggies. No bubble wraps. They're made of fairly tough flexible plastic, so nothing will leak unless somebody really stomps your parcel; but more solid packing would be good for it . The inks are classic Karkos stuff, pretty dry, spready on cheap paper and kinda "childish", but they suit fine for tinkering and color mixing for pens. One trick I found is dilute each load of ink in your pen with about 1/4th the catridge capacity of water where you added and dissolved a tiny droplet of vegetable glycerine (cheap stuff, get from pharmacy or supermarket). That makes the ink feel more adult to me, gains a thickness and flows better. Adjust the water/glycerine to taste. I'm happy with the order overall and thank you Seller!