The seller was quick to ship the product, it took me about 22 days to get to town, I had no doubt so it was not necessary to talk to the seller, at the moment I can not test the operation because it is a gift for my daughter and I sent it to my parents’ address in another city. But it seems that the material is of good quality for the price, it included the pedal and cable and charger, everything the product description said. When I can test the product myself I will give my opinion about the results. In the meantime now everything seems fine
The seller was quick to ship the product, it took me about 22 days to get to town, I had no doubt so it was not necessary to talk to the seller, at the moment I can not test the operation because it is a gift for my daughter and I sent it to my parents’ address in another city. But it seems that the material is of good quality for the price, it included the pedal and cable and charger, everything the product description said. When I can test the product myself I will give my opinion about the results. In the meantime now everything seems fine