Do not buy from this seller if you care about your money, and it is also dangerous. This is the third time I have ordered this product, the first time everything was fine, the second time the product did not arrive. And the third time after two hours of work the power supply exploded. ALIXPRESS and the seller have been asking for more evidence and more evidence for two weeks now, I already had to disassemble my poor PS2 4 times to shoot it from every possible angle. And yet they do not want to return the money. It should be noted that according to ALIXPRESS I am a Platinum member, and if that is the attitude towards Platinum members ?. I'm a friend who buys a lot from AliExpress. Why would I make up a story like that for $ 10? The time I spent on this controversy cost me more then that. And I'm not a person who just opened a DISPUTE on every little thing. And I have never had such problems. I will reconsider future purchases from the site.