The goods took a long time to arrive. The seller was in touch, responded to the message. But then the seller did not extend the delivery time, although the goods were still in transit (minus the star). The quality is so-so. Consists of two wide sided tape in the middle of the magnets. Mat is not solid fill. Due to the use of adhesive tape, the edges are not even. Товар доставлялся долго. Продавец был на связи, отвечал на сообщение. Но потом продавец не продлил срок поставки хотя товар был ещё в пути (минус звезда). Качество так себе. Состоит из двух односторонний широких скотч по средине магниты. Коврик не сплошной заливки. Из за применения скотча края не ровные.
Pads were folded in half in 2 packs so pads in the middle were damaged.