The Back camera has way to Narrow FOW, i would appreciate much wider where you can see all the bumper from left to right, and i placed mine 180cm up from ground. Talked to the support but there is no Interchangeable camera with wider FOW, so i have to Change it to a different brand. The back camera mount and its screws gets ugly.. start to rust emeditially. The device is Almost constant booting from zero when i start the car, which is annoying because it takes at least 30 seconds to get a reverse cam picture. This problem might come from a bad battery, but I recharge it to the full, and still receive it. Low volt warning is set to the lowest 11,3V.. Same problem with menu switch Wifi Where i constant Manually have to go to settings and turn it on, might have to do with this boot from zero thing? I will try To directly connect it to a fresh battery and see whats happened. Mikael T Sweden
The Back camera has way to Narrow FOW, i would appreciate much wider where you can see all the bumper from left to right, and i placed mine 180cm up from ground. Talked to the support but there is no Interchangeable camera with wider FOW, so i have to Change it to a different brand. The back camera mount and its screws gets ugly.. start to rust emeditially. The device is Almost constant booting from zero when i start the car, which is annoying because it takes at least 30 seconds to get a reverse cam picture. This problem might come from a bad battery, but I recharge it to the full, and still receive it. Low volt warning is set to the lowest 11,3V.. Same problem with menu switch Wifi Where i constant Manually have to go to settings and turn it on, might have to do with this boot from zero thing? I will try To directly connect it to a fresh battery and see whats happened. Mikael T Sweden