The Excellent Seller !!!
the pc410 goes on. but will not work as described. the controller wont recognise parameters or programmed settings. wont follow the steps. no matter what settings or parameter you choose. will go to 500degree c or stays under 100 degree c. i have programmed a parameter. L1 100 c, L2 150 c, L3 200c, L4 end. the controller will not switch steps and wil not give accurate measurements. goes to 500 degree c. please seller respond.
Ok. excuses. was my fault.. pin 14 and 15 must be bridged or on off switch to get the controller run the program. i brigded pin14, 15 and the controller is working as programmed. thanks alot and sorry for my earlier feedback. was not negative but more like question. anyways. i am happy and everything just works fine. thanks. good seller recommended.