Pack of 15 Magnetic Ferrite Core Cord RFI EMI Noise Suppressor Cable Clip (5mm inner diameter) ► Photo 1/1

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Pack of 15 Magnetic Ferrite Core Cord RFI EMI Noise Suppressor Cable Clip (5mm inner diameter)

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2.69 $
14   orders
5   reviews
Rating: 4.2

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Customer Reviews

January 9, 2019

I buyed from this seller is not first time and has always getting the high quality product. The inner diameter of the ferrite-clips is just 5 mm and is suitable for common USB cables. The fixation forceps have a smaller diameter but can be easily adapted if necessary, for example, with a paper knife. I highly recommend this seller.

December 18, 2018

Thank you for the prompt delivery. Merry Christmas.