Arrived as advertised.
First of all, good seller. The seller tried quickly ship the item before the CNY rush, but somehow there was an issue with the logistics - don't believe it is the seller's fault. The seller promptly informed me and reshipped and I received the product soon after. Product-wise, I am quite happy with it. I don't have the right equipment to check the O3 concentration, but a few things tell me the O3 concentration should be within the advertised range: I installed this with a LG front loader - 1) there was a large amount of gunk when I clean the tub with nothing but the O3 water and 2) can smell the O3 if the detergent dispenser is open during the water filling cycle. So all in all, pretty happy with the product. Will use it for a while and perhaps provide a better feedback after running a few laundry cycles.
I have run several laundry cycles with it now. No doubt the ozone levels are good enough for my family's laundry loads. Sweaty exercise wear comes out smelling clean; and food and blood stains also completely disappear with no additional need for scrubbing or pre-treatment. I still use a little bit of detergent (1/3 from usual) and softener (1/2 from usual) which I think gives the optimal results for us. Highly recommended. I am seriously considering getting another of their model for the kitchen faucet.