Outdoor double layer reflective strip men women raincoat coat pants suit sports riding fishing camping climbing rain gear poncho ► Photo 1/1

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Outdoor double layer reflective strip men women raincoat coat pants suit sports riding fishing camping climbing rain gear poncho

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Aliexpress rating:
23.65 24.95 $
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1   reviews
Rating: 5

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Customer Reviews

May 3, 2019

This seller (Store:The Runner Outdoor Store) didn't send to me my raincoat. The seller a lot of times wrote to Aliexpress and WhatsApp messengers when "The skyblue raincoat is out of stock. Can you change to other colour?" But I need only this color. And I think then this seller do lie. Because everyone can order size 4XL and blue color No6. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Outdoor-double-layer-reflective-strip-men-women-raincoat-coat-pants-suit-sports-riding-fishing-camping-climbing/32844897628.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4daOcZ3W