As always in this store the quality is great. So everything as expected. the card is exactly as described in the add. It is really trustworthy store and I'm 100% sure I'll come back for more! thanks very much
My order is no longer tracked by track number, which the seller gave me. By track number 3 months ago: Left the warehouse Shenzhen, China, and no more information. The money for the order is not returned, they drag out time in a dispute. They did not want to send the order again, lost time, payment commission and coupon. I am very dissatisfied with the seller's service. Мой заказ перестал отслеживается по трек номеру, который мне дал продавец. По трек номеру 3 месяца назад: Покинуло склад Шэньчжэнь, Китай, и больше никакой информации. Деньги за заказ не возвращают, в споре тянут время. Повторно заказ не захотели высылать, потеряно время, комиссия при оплате и купон. Я очень не доволен сервисом продавца.