There are a few scratches across the diodes' front and back sides, and they came in a simple plastic bag rather than the tube packaging used by the original manufacturer. Thus, these devices look like NOS parts (new old stock) rather than factory new diodes. One more noteworthy thing: Despite identical package markings across all five of them, they also had a large variance in forward voltage drops (from 1.21V to 1.43V per diode) for low (multimeter) test currents. Shipping was fast: Ordered 2 October, shipped 9 October, delivered to Germany 21 October.
There are a few scratches across the diodes' front and back sides, and they came in a simple plastic bag rather than the tube packaging used by the original manufacturer. Thus, these devices look like NOS parts (new old stock) rather than factory new diodes. One more noteworthy thing: Despite identical package markings across all five of them, they also had a large variance in forward voltage drops (from 1.21V to 1.43V per diode) for low (multimeter) test currents. Shipping was fast: Ordered 2 October, shipped 9 October, delivered to Germany 21 October.