It arrived fast and inserted a AA battery which powers the display and settings. There’s no charging circuit so it has to be a regular battery and not a rechargeable one. I applied 220V to it but not a load and the relays were switching on and diodes turned on so I though it worked. A few days later I’d installed it and put it on manual but no lights came on. Turned out the outputs didn’t get power. Opened a dispute and uploaded a video. Seller then sent a witing diagram showing I’d wired it wrong. I tried measuring but the outputs only had 15V on them between neutral and the outputs. Really a shame cause it’s what I needed. I’ll try purchasing another with the money from the refund. Hopefully I was just unlucky so I’ll recommend
It works perfectly! I made a mistake and misunderstood how to connect it. I’ve apologized to seller who is very kind and I can only recommend this store and seller! 6 stars!
Seller didn't ship the order and totally ignored my messages.