I highlighted to seller the poor condition of items that arrived, all I got were excuses. the brass block? manufacturing, if so then don't show such pretty pictures when it's going to come all banged up. I received all my items lumped together in bubble wrap instead of the proper packaging one of the other reviewers received. sellers excuse? coronavirus, pure nonsense it takes more effort to unpack and repack. overall very disappointed especially with the lousy bag of excuses given by the seller
I highlighted to seller the poor condition of items that arrived, all I got were excuses. the brass block? manufacturing, if so then don't show such pretty pictures when it's going to come all banged up. I received all my items lumped together in bubble wrap instead of the proper packaging one of the other reviewers received. sellers excuse? coronavirus, pure nonsense it takes more effort to unpack and repack. overall very disappointed especially with the lousy bag of excuses given by the seller