About packing and shipping: very fast, it arrived in 20 days. No 5axes at customs. It was packed properly, and the product box arrived with a few scratches, but nothing wrong with that. About the product: excellent size and weight. Has a good trip, and the construction seems good and firm. It feels like a much more expensive product. Still, compared to a MX series, it is not exactly like, but is comparable, being really missed the scroll wheel that can be changed from few lines to free speed with one click, but can live without that. The two buttons for back/forward are in a little awkward position, but I think is just a matter of getting used to it. It seem to have a little lag between moving the mouse and the pointer, but was just a matter of adjusting it. Note that the app defaults to chinese, despite having an English version. About the seller: can't complain, no communication was necessary, so it was a good thing.
Expected to come with usb dongle. Unfortunately, it did not. Had to wait 2 months for the product. The product seems te be good.