Information provided on product page is accurate, but some important data are missing, and I cannot get this data from seller (nor from web). But first, what I know :) When headphones works in FM mode, it doesn't switch to "BT headphones mode", so you cannot answer phone calls. Microphone is very quiet (understandable, as it is "somewhere" far from mouth). In Bluetooth network, it is seen as LPT660. When switched on, headphones uses max volume (not volume setting from last time it was on). Still doesn't know which FM frequencies radio can receive (OIRT 65.8 to 74.0 MHz, Japan 76 to 95 MH, ITU region 1 (Europe) 87.5 to 108, or ITU region 2 (Americas) 88 to 108 MHz). Seems like stations about 100 MHz is within range. Still doesn't know which mini-jack headphones has - three (stereo) or four (stereo with mic) pins.
sound is good