Very happy with the product. Exactly as per the description. It took some time to arrive, but to be expected during these difficult times (COVID situation). The first delivery got stuck in China somehow. But the seller communicated with me, and sent the product again. The second attempt went more smoothly and got through to me more quickly. I remained patient because I understand the difficulties of transport from China and into my country during this time. And happy that the seller remained committed to get the product to me. In summary, happy with the product and with the seller, even though it took a while to reach me eventually. It wasn't the fault of the seller that the first shipment never arrived. The second arrived promptly.
Very happy with the product. Exactly as per the description. It took some time to arrive, but to be expected during these difficult times (COVID situation). The first delivery got stuck in China somehow. But the seller communicated with me, and sent the product again. The second attempt went more smoothly and got through to me more quickly. I remained patient because I understand the difficulties of transport from China and into my country during this time. And happy that the seller remained committed to get the product to me. In summary, happy with the product and with the seller, even though it took a while to reach me eventually. It wasn't the fault of the seller that the first shipment never arrived. The second arrived promptly.