Item as described. It took me a while to figure out how to open it. Three weeks shipment to Spain.
pfff..11 weeks delivery, incredibly long. seller dispatched it quickly but chain of failures with carriers... collar itself is incredible : heavy and sturdy. indestructibke. really unopenable without the key. ah, the key : very clever system, easy to use when you know how to. 5mn searching ... in fact the pin of the removable part can be recessed (it's on a spring). so no key turning or so, with the fine part of key, you have to enter in the collar hole and press the inserted pin of the removable collar part. next is the bad news : be careful of collar size, because the collar is not bendable at all and your neck must pass in the tiny opening. i had to lubricate my skin to put collar on because of my very large neck ! then it stays on without even locking it ! i will use it but will not remove then put on every 5mn. when on, it will stay all party long. then, good communicating seller and real heavy collar. recommend.