I purchased from an Australian location and seller provided me with a non-existing shipping number from a Chinese company. The seller informed me that the parcel was returned but was unable to provide me with the correct shipping number. When I opened a dispute to get a refund, the seller told me that they could only refund me once the dispute was closed - I refused to do so and had to wait for AliExpress to step in and make their judgement. I do NOT recommend this seller! The seller does not ship from an Australian location and will not ship at all if the parcel will not make it within the promised time. The seller will, however, keep your money for as long as possible without delivering anything in return. Purchase from someone else (who does not have "car accessories", "car unique", "Super car" etc.
I purchased from an Australian location and seller provided me with a non-existing shipping number from a Chinese company. The seller informed me that the parcel was returned but was unable to provide me with the correct shipping number. When I opened a dispute to get a refund, the seller told me that they could only refund me once the dispute was closed - I refused to do so and had to wait for AliExpress to step in and make their judgement. I do NOT recommend this seller! The seller does not ship from an Australian location and will not ship at all if the parcel will not make it within the promised time. The seller will, however, keep your money for as long as possible without delivering anything in return. Purchase from someone else (who does not have "car accessories", "car unique", "Super car" etc.