Very useful thing that tests not just BJT transistors but also Mosfets, diodes (also Zener up to 5V), capacitors, resistences and inductors. It also comes with a number of other features such as a square wave generator. This is based on an open source project called Transistor Tester so just google for it to find the manual. This version was made with an ATmega328 and thus can amongst other things provide the ESR for most capacitors (it will still not be able to deal with any below 25pF) and is thus good quality for the price.
Very useful thing that tests not just BJT transistors but also Mosfets, diodes (also Zener up to 5V), capacitors, resistences and inductors. It also comes with a number of other features such as a square wave generator. This is based on an open source project called Transistor Tester so just google for it to find the manual. This version was made with an ATmega328 and thus can amongst other things provide the ESR for most capacitors (it will still not be able to deal with any below 25pF) and is thus good quality for the price.