all ok
Good comes extremely fast in Italy (few days). Very good lens, for its price! Connection with Nikon bayonet-mount cameras is solid, precise and and sure. Focusing mechanics is very good, like in old, good-quality lenses. Nikon D-850 accepts the lens at once, considering the charateristics of this camera (semi-professional, good for intense manual use); Nikon D-750 accepts the lens only in manual setting elsewere refuses to shut. Not good for DX Nikon cameras, but possible, always only in manual setting. This lens is for lovers of old-style, manual use of cameras: focusing manually at full-aperture, then closing diafragm at the right degree and let the camera setting exposure via ISO adjustment, or adjusting Aperture and Shutting time fully manually (the better choice...). It's an emotional, creative way of using modern DRSL (digital reflex single lens cameras). Needs time, know-how, patience: not for action, on-the-road use!!!