not receive the goods, as you can describe Do not buy goods from this seller because you want your Christmas order to be received on Easter (if you are lucky), otherwise the seller will return the money in 90 days. I just give a small order for $ 10, it takes 90 days to return the money, think about how long your order for $ 1,000 will take? the seller does not respond, does not trust ... if you return the money, calculate how much you pay how much you will return (bank charges are withdrawn from your account) For example, if you pay $ 100, and you receive a refund of $ 100 from the seller, then how many credits in your account are $ 95, because we must pay, not the seller. Aliexpress Good, very good, but some seller is not very good .. and this seller is a very bad seller .. if the option is minus a star, I give him -10 Thank you aliexpress ..
you are so bad,i do not like India,please do not buy items from our store,and please do not message to us,you are the first one to give us negative after we refund to our customer. this is reply from this store how people satisfied with kind of answer DO NOT BUY ANY ITEM FROM FROM THIS STORE OTHERWISE YOU LOST YOUR MONEY AND ALSO TIME...
not receive the goods, as you can describe Do not buy goods from this seller because you want your Christmas order to be received on Easter (if you are lucky), otherwise the seller will return the money in 90 days. I just give a small order for $ 10, it takes 90 days to return the money, think about how long your order for $ 1,000 will take? the seller does not respond, does not trust ... if you return the money, calculate how much you pay how much you will return (bank charges are withdrawn from your account) For example, if you pay $ 100, and you receive a refund of $ 100 from the seller, then how many credits in your account are $ 95, because we must pay, not the seller. Aliexpress Good, very good, but some seller is not very good .. and this seller is a very bad seller .. if the option is minus a star, I give him -10 Thank you aliexpress ..
you are so bad,i do not like India,please do not buy items from our store,and please do not message to us,you are the first one to give us negative after we refund to our customer. this is reply from this store how people satisfied with kind of answer DO NOT BUY ANY ITEM FROM FROM THIS STORE OTHERWISE YOU LOST YOUR MONEY AND ALSO TIME...