Seller used good shipping. They were out of the colour I wanted but informed me and let me choose another. Product seems like good quality with appropriate straps and hook for laces.
Fast shipping to Poland, very nice contact with the seller. Gaiters of ideal height and volume, equipped with a zip and velcro, comfortable heel strap and nose hook. The bottom half is made of rubberized fabric, the top is only impregnated with a Rip-Stop mesh. At home, it's good with water, I haven't tested it in the field yet. A drawback is the very poor finish, curved stitches, the material breaks, this can be a problem with prolonged use, but it will only come out over time.
Gaiters tested in the mountains on a dozen or so hour trail in wet snow. They have proven themselves well, providing full protection against water, the only drawback is quite low vapor permeability, which makes the leg sweat, besides a very good quality product.