I have ordered the X3, H21 and the Case Bag. It took by far the longest to arrive from all I have ordered in 11/11, almost 2 months. The H21 box looked like someone stepped on it, could be damaged but I cant say. The Case bag barley fits right and also came a bit out of shape. I wanted the over-ears for gaming and the earbuds for outside. Annoyingly the H21 sound is less good then the X3 witch feels misleading (they are pricier the the X3) but the X3 has a delay and the touch buttons are not very responsive. They sound is not bad for the price, on the X3 it is even good but everything around was so bad I can't recommend it
Pros: 1. Extraordinary battery life 2. Great sound quality 3. The ear cups cover even big ears like mine 4. Lightweight 5. Great passive noise cancelling Cons: 1. Very bad active noise cancelling 2. Uses micro usb insted of usb type-C Overall: Great value for the price.