I'm not happy at all, this seller is completely unprofessional. communication is difficult because they never understand the problem so you have to remind them about what you ordered. I had ordered one pac of lashes last year and I never received it and so they said order again we will send two, I made another order and again then sent only one and they pretended like I ordered one and again said to make another order and they will send two . so as you can see this can go on forever and I will not see my money back I'm sure because they are saying I made just one order. I have some screenshot and i have showed them and again they dont see the problem. I'm so disappointed. kompletno razočarana, totalno su neprofesionalni, ne šalju trepavice i onda se prave ludi, pare neću dobiti nazad. poručila sam 3 ukupno dobila jednu kutiju, užas
this is the history of our conversation you can see that they tried even to trick me this is not their product I don't care for the money but I don't like this kind of situations and I will never order again
disapinted withthe curl