Mini Woodworking Lathe Intermediate Block Increase Max.cutting Diameter to 45mm from 20mm ► Photo 1/1

Mini Woodworking Lathe Intermediate Block Increase Max.cutting Diameter to 45mm from 20mm

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24.83 $
12   orders
6   reviews
Rating: 5

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Customer Reviews

November 18, 2019

Factory quality replacement parts with usual flaws and defects associated with this brand of mini lathe. If you want enough usable parts to complete several of these mini lathes you should order more parts than you actually need, after you toss aside the defective and unusable parts then you will still have enough usable parts to complete your project. Thank you, for sending the correct parts on the last two orders.

October 26, 2019

Thank you, Original high quality factory replacement parts just as advertised. These intermediate riser blocks will allow the full potential of the lathe chuck capacity to be utilized and make the lathe much more useful. After purchasing a 3 amp power supply unit from a different supplier the lathe actually runs continuously without shutting on and off every 2 seconds and can actually be used!!!!!
