Same Product as discription of seller. the product deliveried fast, considering national days of Korea and China. Good for the price, but there are a few minor regrets. First, the straps in the carrier are too short so it is hard to tie some rifle which has not thin-body, likes HK416. Second, the carrier is thin,so you can't shoulder it without rifle inside, Because the bag bends itself. I think, If you kept this bag in the house or car and then move only a short distance,It has enough quality. However, I do not recommend this if you have to travel long distances on foot with this rifle carrier. P.S. If you glue the packing sponge inside bag, it seems to be more safe against shock. P.S.2 The shockproof sponge inside of bags shown in my photo is not included in the product.
Same Product as discription of seller. the product deliveried fast, considering national days of Korea and China. Good for the price, but there are a few minor regrets. First, the straps in the carrier are too short so it is hard to tie some rifle which has not thin-body, likes HK416. Second, the carrier is thin,so you can't shoulder it without rifle inside, Because the bag bends itself. I think, If you kept this bag in the house or car and then move only a short distance,It has enough quality. However, I do not recommend this if you have to travel long distances on foot with this rifle carrier. P.S. If you glue the packing sponge inside bag, it seems to be more safe against shock. P.S.2 The shockproof sponge inside of bags shown in my photo is not included in the product.