i didn't know the bag had a white labeled brand on it, that was hidden in the product photo's. also the PU leather has a strong smell to it, the lavender silica gel packets don't help. i've reduced the PU leather smell myself with a little baking soda, making sure it was fully covered and let it soak overnight before hanging the bag outside for some hours and eventually dust off the baking soda residue. the size of the bag, which is 40 centimeters is good enough, i think 43 cm would be better. the shoe compartment is handy, but it should be larger so you don't have to fold your shoes to fit them in. the plastic buckles does make it look cheap and also the finish of the PU leather could get a more rustic finish for my personal appeal, which would be a DIY project. i think a canvas bag with PU leather design details and a sturdier material inside the bag would be something i rather buy then this.