This torch so easy to use. Turn up the gas a little, press the igniter button to ignite it, and press another button so the flame stays on. After that, it's just a matter of adjusting the flame. This torch is definitely hot enough to sear meat quickly. I also learned that it's a good idea to let the meat cool a little so that the searing doesn't cook it more. As I get more experience with this torch, I'm sure I will find more uses for it in the kitchen. In addition, we can use it to light the wood in the fireplace. So far, I love this torch and the multiple uses it can be useful for. I would highly recommend this torch.
Actually a super handy product--just attach it to one of those little green propane bottles, and you have got 'fire on the go'. Really helpful for lazy campfire starting, but also makes a seriously high-powered cigar lighter!