I ordered only roller for tbk 761. Seller said “ok, I have it, the original one, 12 usd”. So, I bought it, and received roller that didn’t fit the original machine. So I think it isn’t the original roller. I wrote the seller about problem, but he didn’t respond!!!! AliExpress returned money to me, but I’m still sad, because I lost a lot of time and didn’t have that roller yet... :(
I ordered only roller for tbk 761. Seller said “ok, I have it, the original one, 12 usd”. So, I bought it, and received roller that didn’t fit the original machine. So I think it isn’t the original roller. I wrote the seller about problem, but he didn’t respond!!!! AliExpress returned money to me, but I’m still sad, because I lost a lot of time and didn’t have that roller yet... :(