seller shipped wrong item then delayed delayed delayed shipping the correct item. I sent a photo of the package showing the delivery address, shipping number, description and weight of the item inside and the item next to the package but it took to seller more than 2 weeks to say they had shipped the correct item. They would not provide the shipping# when asked several times. One lie after another after another so I got my money back from AliExpress and ordered the same item from another seller.
seller shipped wrong item then delayed delayed delayed shipping the correct item. I sent a photo of the package showing the delivery address, shipping number, description and weight of the item inside and the item next to the package but it took to seller more than 2 weeks to say they had shipped the correct item. They would not provide the shipping# when asked several times. One lie after another after another so I got my money back from AliExpress and ordered the same item from another seller.