One year ago I ordered one of these bags (in black) and it's so fantastic that it has become my daily companion. Whenever I leave the house I have it with me and the times when I forgot important stuff are gone. No more crammed jacket or pants pockets, it's now all in this bag: keys, cash, business and credit cards, address stamp, a multitool, a backup corona mask (in case I forget the main one again), disinfection wipes, a pen, USB stick, several IT tokens, and some other things. The quality of the bag is great and I recommend it to anyone looking for a small bag for personal stuff. I ordered two more now in different colors for backup. Shipping time was much quicker than expected (I had expected some delay because of the corona virus). I'd order again from this dealer anytime! By the way, the ugly sticker can easily be removed, all you need is some time, a litte patience, and a fingernail. :)
One year ago I ordered one of these bags (in black) and it's so fantastic that it has become my daily companion. Whenever I leave the house I have it with me and the times when I forgot important stuff are gone. No more crammed jacket or pants pockets, it's now all in this bag: keys, cash, business and credit cards, address stamp, a multitool, a backup corona mask (in case I forget the main one again), disinfection wipes, a pen, USB stick, several IT tokens, and some other things. The quality of the bag is great and I recommend it to anyone looking for a small bag for personal stuff. I ordered two more now in different colors for backup. Shipping time was much quicker than expected (I had expected some delay because of the corona virus). I'd order again from this dealer anytime! By the way, the ugly sticker can easily be removed, all you need is some time, a litte patience, and a fingernail. :)