These are very nice and I have got them from this seller more than once. I only have one problem when I buy them almost none of them will write. They should write we do pay for the refill inside of these pens. This seller has sent me some refills, but it does not cover all that I have got from them. So that is why I wanted to say this. I like the feedbacks I read to have some truth to them. And 3 refills are $0.99 and $1.29 for delivery if we don't get them when we make the first order. They are good pens don't get me wrong.
These are very nice and I have got them from this seller more than once. I only have one problem when I buy them almost none of them will write. They should write we do pay for the refill inside of these pens. This seller has sent me some refills, but it does not cover all that I have got from them. So that is why I wanted to say this. I like the feedbacks I read to have some truth to them. And 3 refills are $0.99 and $1.29 for delivery if we don't get them when we make the first order. They are good pens don't get me wrong.