GREAT PRODUCT! It's hard to express in words how satisfied I am from this purchase. The material is very soft and pleasant, I think it's real leather (it's definitely water resistant). The size is great, very happy that I've asked the seller what size I need, because I've almost ordered one less size and it would be too tight. The sleeves are a little bit short because I have long arms, but it stretches so it's almost perfect now. Shipping was good as well, the seller shipped the item after 2 days and it arrived after only 9 days. There are 2 disadvantages: 1. Note that the zippers on top aren't real - there's no pocket behind them, it's only for the (great) look. You can definitely use the jacket without it, but I would prefer it to be real pockets. But there is inside pocket. 2. There is a wrinkle (see in picture) at shoulder in the item I've got, apparently from the way it was folded, and it didn't straightened out yet. Hope it would be gone soon because it's a little bit annoying.
the size incorrect,