Delivered as bad from the beginning. The seller wants me to take care of it myself. What am I supposed to do when you sent me something that wasn't even checked in the beginning. I threw it right in the trash. We hope that only those who can wait for a long time to receive the product after confirming the cause of the failure after sending it back to China due to initial failure. 택배 받자마자 검사 후 고장으로 문의했더니 이거저거 의심되니 고쳐보라고 하고 안된다고 하니 다시 자기네 한테 보내면 확인후 다시 보내준다고 합니다. 받고 검수하고 다시 보내고 다시 받는 시간 기다릴 수 있는 분만 사십시오
Excellent flashlight! Anduril UI takes some getting used to, but very satisfied overall! Do use QUALITY unprotected cells and a good charger.