The seller is a scammer and a liar, the helmet did not send, he gave a fake tracking number. In the messages he assured that he sent the helmet, but this is a lie. I wasted my time, money and the opportunity to buy at a discount from an honest seller.
I want to add a review. The seller really didn't send the helmet the first time, probably he didn't have a helmet in stock, but then we came to an agreement. And the seller sent after the second order. I received the package. The helmet is good.
like it so much... the helmet was great just like what i want... the seller very responsive and have great solution
best ls2 store ever... seller very nice... at earlyer ive order a helment.. buat whem i reicieve the visor was scratch... then i contact the seller... he give me a new visor whithout return the broken one... thank u