The product is good, but it is not the one I ordered. So it's not accurate. It's also smaller and cheaper than what I paid for. But the function is the same and it will work fine. Maybe a bit too hard to fasten and loose, but it's better than too loose. There was also a messup with shipping, so I had to wait an extra month. After a conversation, that after a while turned out to be good, I was promised a gift that I never got. I think the seller is honest, but maybe not so stuctured.
The product is good, but it is not the one I ordered. So it's not accurate. It's also smaller and cheaper than what I paid for. But the function is the same and it will work fine. Maybe a bit too hard to fasten and loose, but it's better than too loose. There was also a messup with shipping, so I had to wait an extra month. After a conversation, that after a while turned out to be good, I was promised a gift that I never got. I think the seller is honest, but maybe not so stuctured.