Not buying from this seller again and definitely do not recommend. Honestly don’t, you would be wasting your money! For a start, they advertise this product as brand new however when I received mine, it already had hairs on the product and it was used. The machines were working which is great but they came already used as someone else’s hairs were already on the product. I waited a long time to receive this product and don’t like the fact someone else has used it already. I bought the product thinking it would be brand new, not used. I then contacted the seller about this and they replied once a day for over a week but they did not answer my queries. They got even more unresponsive and I have sent messages daily for the past 4/5 days and have had no response. They have offered to give me partial money back for this but then they stopped replying. This gives me no choice but to leave them a bad review. I cannot even open a dispute now as it has been over 15 days, what can I do now, can
Item received in good condition but the packing is missing a oil bottle and replaced with a 3 pin adapter.