The pedal has really nice features. The range knob is really good. It allows you to change the tone, ranging from higher to lower sounding positions as you roll it clockwise, starting at noon (I prefer it right in middle position, which is at 3 o'clock since it starts at noon). The quality knob makes the sound more prominent and better (for my taste) as you turn it up, making it possible for you to have a more subtle wah sound if you'd like, turning it down. The min vol knob lets you set the minimum volume of your guitar sound when the bottom of the pedal is all the way down in volume mode (I personally prefer the knob set at noon). And finally the wah/vol mode is awesome, which turns the wah pedal into a volume pedal when it's turned off, making it very versatile. The only drawback is that its small size gives less stability on the foot, though it's good for saving space on the pedalboard.
This item is nice, bexause it is conpact, adjustable in Wah sound and minimum Volume. It will be better, if the rubber plates of backside are selectable: use or not. I want to use this Wah pedal in my pedal-board fitted with Velcro. But the rubber plates of the backside kicks out Velcro. We have to prepare adhesive bond for rubber.