very fast shipping, the articel was as described, the handgrip is very useful. I can recommend the seller.
The quality is so good, I can't tell it's not made by Fujifilm. It's perfect everywhere (and I develop watches for a living so I'm pretty picky on QC). The grip is decent and this is much better than an all-aluminum grip I had for my old X-E2 (from another brand...I think Meike), which was way too slippery without any PU on it. I'd highly recommend this to anyone looking for a larger camera to hold for better stability, especially with larger lenses (if you're just using the 27mm F2.8 or their smaller line of F2 lenses, this may not be necessary). While it does add a bit of weight, which is never a good thing, I can't complain about it because I'm adding metal to the camera, so it's unavoidable anyway and wouldn't be a fair complaint to JJC.