2nd time I've ordered this wall light. The one I've already installed, where some issues, but the service was great to help me and the wall light works as was written on the side (color menu was working the opposite way, but you can manage this in the menu of your cell phone and that was the solution). I have not installed this wall light right now. I expect that it will be done on the same way as the previous one. Upgrade for this wall light will be that you work with a power plug (plug on the 2 cables, what you connect if you have installed the wall part (fixed to the wall) and place the wall light itself to the wall part, that you then plug this with the power plug. Installation to the wall will be easier. Looking forward to see my 2nd wall light working.
Connect the lamp with the wiring was not easy. I expected an easy power connection, to take of from the lamp, as what the manual wrote, but that is not true. It is sealed together. But finally, I placed the lamp. 2nd: The connection with the app and using the color mode (RGB). When I want purble, I get the opposite color display circle, green. When i want green, I get the opposite color of the color display circle: red. See the pictures I've made. On the screen of my mobile, you see a cross standing, what say what color the lamp need to have. I looks like that 2 wires are swapped. But for the rest, in the warm white mode, and you want to dim the light, it works great.