Very happy with ICAN!!! Friendly and very nice product!! Recommend this seller very much.
If you wanted to order this frame but had doubts about the quality, communication with the seller, or delivery time, don't worry about any of that and order it. The frame arrived in just over 2 weeks, it was packaged very well and despite some minor damage to the box, was in perfect condition. The frame seems very well made, no defects or quality issues. I quickly assembled it to see if there were any issues with head tube, misaligned holes, etc. Everything went together without issues, and parts fit without any play. No noise or play at all from the rear triangle. The whole frame just feels solid. Some reference re: attached picture: The bike in the picture is using a 140mm fork and 200x51 rear shock. There is (plenty of clearance with a 29" tire on the sides, and the top of the tire doesn't come close to the seat tube. The center of the BB to the ground is 13.5" (29" tire). The Sorata Pro dropper post (150mm) body fits completely in the seat tube on a medium frame.