Never received item
Order 8118689533068293 arrived. I have ordered from this seller before and it is curious that in each case the glue in the instructions and packing list has been missing. When the package arrived it was very damaged, as though a heavier box was placed on it and crushed it. It looks as though a person had sat on it. See photographs. Please forward to the seller. Luckily, the airplane and other contents were not harmed. I would suggest that the seller use stronger packaging. It would be good, if once the airplane was assembled, it could be stored in the packaging. The English translation in the instructions is not the best. Articles and verb tense are often not correct. Additional instructions would be helpful. I would be willing to help the seller write better instructions and design better packaging. Have not flown the airplane yet. Much to windy. It would be helpful to know how to order new parts that become damaged.