very good, thanks
The seller advised me how to choose the desirable tinsel color and I made first order, then the second, choosing the mixed colors, and made the third order asking in the order's comment to send me ONLY GREEN color, the same as at first time but as result I have got the mixed color as was in the second time. Si I got the item which at approx. 67 % I do not need. I addressed to seller to find a fair decision but got very short answer from the seller saying "you cannot choose colors next time" That means due to seller's mistake I wont be able to choose color next time. I CAN ASSURE THIS seller - THERE WILL NOT BE NEXT TIME WITH YOU !!! I do not recommend this seller, it it better to find the item you need in another shop !! JUST FORGOT TO ADD i HAVE OPENED THE DISPUTE AND GOT ALMOST 50 % COMPENSATION !! Not too big money but good satisfaction !!!!!!