the item was smaller than what i have expected, but the quality is very good. I ordered i size that is too small for my dog, the size chart was not too much clear, but the product itself and the quality is very good! i will give it as a present because it really worth it. before to buy, double check the size
I ordered the Blue color in Size 7XL. My dog is a German Shepherd Boxer mix, around 60-65 lbs. Skinny like a Boxer, but with a German Shepherd physical size. It fits perfectly on her. I think if your dog was any bigger than mine, it definitely won't fit. The blue-red color is actually more of a blue-orange color, so it's not as seen in the listing picture, but that's fine - it still looks nice. The buttons are okay if your dog tolerates you putting clothes on them and if they're patient enough for you to snap all the buttons. If your dog hates clothing, you might have trouble doing the buttons. Also, if your dog plays roughly, the buttons might snap open. That happened with my dog playing with another dog.