The product didn't work! The seller said the defect was in other components of my computer, but I replaced it with another graphic card and it is working perfectly. The defect is in the graphic card of that seller. The same happened with other buyers. Not to mention that it has the same ad with different sellers' names, I believe they are ads from the same company with different accounts and in all ads there are complaints of this type. He must create other accounts so as not to have a negative reputation. The graphic card came well packaged and apparently with nothing broken, but it is not working.
BAD BAD SELLER. the Graphic Card is faulty. I couldn't open a dispute anymore. Aliexpress only gives 15 days to complain. 60 euro lost
Seller is a fraud. First they blame the repair shop, they need a copy of the Apple repair certificate, then they stall you and finally no reply anymore. My repair shop is a certified Apple repair shop and told me the Graphic card was faulty and I was cheated by this seller. The seller insist on proof of certificated Apple repair, but when I ask him for his certificate as an Apple parts reseller, there is no reply. They think of all kinds of tricks to avoid refund or replacement.